Sunday, October 21, 2007

Dispatches from Powerviolence: Dillinger Cancel Tour

I gotta say, this is probably gonna be more of a fuckin rant wrapped in news...

This post was originally intended to be a "Featured Live Show" piece, but has taken a drastic turn south instead. This Saturday, I was going to cover the wonderful lineup of Dillinger Escape Plan, A Life Once Lost, Genghis Tron, and Behold... The Arctopus, who were doing a show at the Blender Theater here in NYC. I had my ticket purchased weeks ago, widdling down my figernails in pure anticipation for the show. This was all going righteously until i bopped on by Dillinger's myspace page because I heard a new track from their upcoming record 'Ire Works' was posted up. Sure the track was there, and it sounds felt-meltingly promising (check out the song 'Lurch' here), but the thing that caught my eye was a blog called "TOURS RESCHEDULED... VIDEOS... OTHER NEWS". Opening it, I find that the ENTIRE damn fuckin barn-burning tour has been rescheduled (and still til the moment of this post, no new dates have been provided) because Ben broke his foot during the filming of a damn video for one of the record's songs! sigh... This better be one nutzo video.

So anywho. For anyone just tuning into the Dillinger sands in the hourglass, the days of their lives... here's a little recent recap. First, you may be confused by the photo above and asking yourself "Who are the two stranger dangers flanking the guys there? ... They aren't band members, what is this business? ... Hey, girl, hey?" Well, in reality, they most definitely are now. Chris, the drummer you probably noticed missing, has been replaced by Gil Sharone (on the far left), due to Chris now drumming for Coheed and Cambria or whatever. And the guy on the far right is Jeff Tuttle, who is now the official second guitarist, taking over for Benoit's duties since his being side-lined with nerve damage in his arm and hand happened in mid-2005 and isn't likely getting better. Their new album, like I said, will be 'dropping' (as the kids say) on November 13th and a release party will be happening the same night in a yet-to-named east coast location. Also be on the lookout for TWO videos that have been apparently filmed already for this record. AND if that isn't enough, join me tomorrow night at Lucky 13 Saloon in Park Slope, Brooklyn, for Greg and Ben's guest dj-ing and previewing of new tracks at the bar.... Quite a handful indeed. I'm gonna go ahead and refrain from slapping some "Dill-igent" pun on you now, consider yourselves lucky.

**UPDATE** Now it looks like some dates are starting to be posted on Dillinger's myspace page, check 'em out.

Ben Gambles and Wins... Just fucking watch it:

Making 'Ire Works' Webisode:

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