Saturday, February 16, 2008

Dispatches from Powerviolence: Keep Commenting!

I noticed we are starting to get a few comments on the past couple of posts. Keep it up, guys. We want to hear from the people that read this site. The point of it is to create musical discussion, and the only way that you can get involved is by leaving your mark. Say whatever you want: piss us off, agree with us, piss off others that have left comments, agree with others that have left comments. Put up your own heavy rotations under ours. Let us know what you think is kicking ass out there. Seriously, if we weren't interested in what anyone else thought, we could just sit around and argue with each other about music instead of taking the time to post our opinions. It would be ideal to one day approach some sort of community feel, but that won't happen without everyone's contributions. We know that our readers are probably just as gnar as we are and obviously listen to the same shit, or you all wouldn't bother to check the blog, so let it out. Say all that stuff that's been sitting in your mind. Do it to it!

Okay, well I'm going to go get drunk now, so have a bitchin' Saturday.

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