Monday, November 19, 2007

Dispatches from Powerviolence: The Belly Gets a Myspace?

Oh, Myspace, what will we do with you? Well, setting up an account actually makes sense for a few reasons. First, it makes us look popular with a bunch of friends. Second, it gives us an easier way to communicate with all our loyal fans. See, if we get some gnar shit we want to let the world know about asap, then we can send out a bulletin or message via Myspace. That way, you can see what's going on. Plus, you can add us as a friend and leave us comments and messages as to how hella we are doing. Or, you can make fun of us and try to make us get a life (which we won't). Either way, it's fun for everyone. So add us now, bruisers! You know you want to.

Belly Full of Hell Myspace

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