Monday, May 7, 2007

Make Another Album, You Jerks: Dillinger Four

Once again, a new column for our powerviolence readers.... This time, instead of crying out for reformation, we're calling for bands that are still with us to get their shit together and get back to work!

First off, my target is Dillinger Four... Damn it, can these jerks write a song that isn't screamingly catchy and doesn't completely fill me with angsty self-impowerment??? We had a good run together for a bit, with them pumping out an LP every other year, but im afraid they've postmarked us into a good five year dryspell in the album department. And the only D4 breath of life is coming from random compilation discs or a smattering of random midwest live shows... I know there's the " 'CIVILWAR' album coming out sometime this year" rumor going around, but Paddy, please... please tell us it's true. Your bulletins on myspace only kind of suppress the thirst for more creativity from your camp...

Paddy describing what he looks for in music today...

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